When children ask: Incense sticks from the perspective of a 6-year-old

In the magical world of scents and fragrances, there is nothing more beautiful than childlike curiosity that comes with countless questions. In today's blog post, we're taking a look at a particularly delightful episode, where our 6-year-old daughter Jasmin bombarded us with a barrage of questions about incense sticks.
These small but profound requests not only surprised us as parents, but also initiated an exciting journey into the world of incense sticks. Let's explore the fascinating questions of this little explorer together and dip into the magical world of scents.
1. Why do incense sticks smell so good?
Incense sticks are made from various herbs and spices. When you light them up, the sticks glow slowly and release the scent of herbs and spices. Many people find this fragrance very pleasant and calming. There are also different types of incense sticks with different scents such as lavender, sandalwood or frankincense. Some people also use incense sticks for religious or spiritual ceremonies.
2. Can we eat incense sticks?
No, incense sticks are not intended for eating. They are used to spread a pleasant scent in the room or for religious purposes. Eating incense sticks can be very dangerous and lead to poisoning. It is important that we only use them as they are intended.
3. Where does the smoke come from?
The smoke from incense sticks is coming when you light them up. The wood or charcoal mixture is burned in the stick and tiny particles are created that rise into the air and become visible as smoke. Sometimes the incense sticks also contain fragrances that mix with the smoke and spread a pleasant smell.
4. Can animals smell incense?
Animals have a much better sense of smell than we humans. They can detect many scents that we can't even smell. But whether they can smell incense sticks depends on the animal. Some animals, such as dogs or cats, have very sensitive noses and are likely to be able to detect the scent of incense sticks. Other animals, such as fish or snakes, do not have as good a sense of smell and may not notice the scent. So, it depends on which animal you mean.
5. Do the scents of incense sticks float in the air?
Yes, the scents of incense sticks float in the air. When you light up an incense stick, the wood burns and the resin or oil it contains evaporates, releasing a scent into the air. This scent is then carried throughout the room and can be inhaled by people nearby.
6. Where do incense sticks grow?
Incense sticks are not planted or grow like plants. They are made from various materials such as charcoal, resin and herbs, which are formed into a stick and then soaked in scents. When you light up an incense stick, it slowly glows and releases the scent.
7. Why are some incense sticks thin and others thick?
Our incense sticks are made by people and that means they may not all look the same. Some people make thinner sticks and others make thicker ones. This does not affect the type of incense stick or how it smells. It's just a difference in appearance.
8. Why do incense sticks burn so slowly?
Incense sticks burn slowly because they are made from a special blend of different scents and resins. If you light up a piece of it, it burns or glows very slowly and releases the scent. This is because the charcoal of the incense stick is made in such a way that it does not simply burn quickly like paper or wood, for example. It should burn long enough for the scent to spread throughout the room and create a pleasant atmosphere.
9. Are there also colourful incense sticks?
Yes, there are also colourful incense sticks. These are often made with artificial dyes to make them look more appealing. However, we prefer natural incense sticks without any added colours. That's why we only have the classic ones because we believe that fewer additives are better for us.
10. Can we use incense sticks in the car?
No, we cannot use incense sticks in the car. It could be dangerous because it can distract the driver. Additionally, some people may have an allergic reaction to the smoke or start coughing. In the car, it is better to concentrate on driving and not do things that could distract.
11. Can you use incense sticks in space?
There is no air in space, so you can't use incense. The flame would go out without oxygen and the smoke would not be able to spread. It's important to understand that life in space is very different than on Earth and many things we can do here simply aren't possible there.
12. Can you store incense sticks in the fridge?
Incense sticks should not be stored there. The fridge is a place for food and drinks that need to be chilled to stay fresh. Placing incense sticks in the fridge can cause them to become damp and lose their fragrance. It is better to store them in a cool and dry place, for example in a drawer or shelf. This means they stay fresher for longer and you can continue to enjoy their scent.
13. Can you make your own incense sticks?
Yes, you can make your own incense sticks. To do this you need ground coal, various herbs and resins, which you mix together to make a dough. This dough is then rolled around a bamboo stick and dried. When you light the stick, the dough burns slowly and smoke is produced, which gives off a pleasant scent. You can also add flower petals or essential oils to enhance the scent. It's a nice way to make your own incense sticks and scent your room with them. We are currently in the process of developing exactly such a set.
14. Can you use incense sticks outside?
Yes, you can also use incense sticks outside. Incense sticks are designed to spread a pleasant scent and can be used both indoors and outdoors. If you are in the garden or on the balcony, feel free to light a few incense sticks. Please remember that there are also places like the forest where this sort of thing is forbidden.
15. Why are incense sticks like me called jasmine?
We give our incense sticks the name of the respective scent, such as flowers or plants. Jasmine is a beautiful flower with a very pleasant scent. It has nothing to do with the fact that your name is jasmine, but that the sticks smell of this plant. But is that why we called you Jasmine, “the fragrant one”? Who knows.